When is the best time to work out

When is the Best Time to Work Out?

Are you trying to start working out but struggling to figure out when to work out? Is there really a better time to work out?

While some people may insist morning is the best time of day to work out, others may argue for afternoon or evening. So what time of day is actually best to work out?

While there isn’t a lot of real scientific evidence to argue for which time is more beneficial, there are definitely some pros and cons for both to consider.

Morning Workouts

Most people who argue that morning workouts are most beneficial do so because they are more consistent with fitting it into their routine.  By getting it done first thing in the morning, you don’t have to worry about getting to busy or being too tired at the end of the day.

Another benefit is when you work out first thing in the morning you have more energy throughout the day. By getting your blood flowing and your body moving early, you wake up your system and feel more energized. It could be a mental thing as well, because you have already accomplished something for the day.

Working out in the morning encourages healthy eating the remainder of the day. By starting off the day with one positive habit it will encourage other positive habits including eating healthy. Also, the mentality of not wanting to undo all the hard work you have already put forth that morning can keep you eating healthier throughout the day.

On the other hand, the hardest part of doing a work out in the morning is that you have to wake up earlier. This is a real struggle for many people. However, by being consistent with it, you will soon find you have created a new habit and it makes it easier over time.

Another downside to working out in the morning is that your joints and muscles may be stiffer.  It is really crucial to warm up before working out in the morning.

Afternoon/Evening Workouts

Not a morning person, that’s ok. There are some benefits to working out later in the day as well. It may be a way to relieve your stress or clear your mind whether it is during your lunch break or later in the evening.

Your joints and muscles are a bit more flexible and it doesn’t take as long to warm up, although you still do need to do your warm-up exercises.

Also, some people have more energy later in the day, so it makes it easier to get motivated. You may even be able to workout at a higher intensity level because you are more awake.

Unfortunately working out during the day is sometime difficult because it is easier to make more excuses to not work out later in the day when you get busy or too tired. That’s when its critical to be sure to calendar your workouts just like you would any other appointment.

Sometimes, if you wait to long in the day and try to do a workout right before going to bed, it may make it difficult to try to fall asleep. Be sure you allow enough time for your mind/body to relax after a hard workout before going to bed so you can get a good night’s sleep.

So, when is the best time to go to work out?

In the end it is really not the time of day you work out but the fact that you did work out.  Pick a time of day that you feel you will have the most success sticking to a routine. Then make it a habit to work out at that time each day.

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I help overwhelmed moms lose their stubborn weight to look and feel their best so that they can do what they love and be positive role models for their kids. 

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