Does it feel like every year you set a health and wellness related goal but you just don’t stick to it? By February you are done with it and right back to your old habits.
I get it, I’ve been there too. Once I learned the secret to setting the RIGHT goals, I have been able to achieve them with more success.
Health and wellness goals are hard to keep for an entire year. This year though will be different for you because you will learn the secrets of how to set the right health and wellness goals so by the end of the year you can say you have achieved them.
Let’s be clear, the problem isn’t that you aren’t able to keep your goals, the problem is actually with the goals you have set.
Do you want to know the secret?
The secret to setting health and wellness goals you can keep:
- Knowing your “WHY” will help you make it through the tough times. This isn’t just something like “I want to lose weight”, but you have to dig deeper. WHY do you want to lose weight? Is it so you can keep up with your kids or to have more energy to do the things you love? Want to fit back into your jeans?
- Now take that why and set a reasonable goal that you can have control over. For example, you don’t REALLY have control over how much weight you lose or when you will fit back into your jeans, but you do have control over how many steps you take in a day or the foods you eat.
- Align your goal with your values and not someone else’s values. Reaching your goals will be tough and you have to do it for you. Doing it just because someone made a comment about the fact that you eat to much, will not be enough motivation. However, it will be easier to reach your goals if you want to eat healthy because you want to be a positive role model for your kids and you value not only your health but their health as well.
- Keep your goals simple and easy to follow. If you over complicate them, it is easy to get frustrated and give up. It is easy to want to change 20 habits all at the same time so you can reach your goal quicker. However, this just complicates things because how do you keep track of it all. Or you buy a new habit tracker journal or app and get over excited about putting it all in but you don’t think about how you will actually keep track of it all.
The secret to setting health and wellness goals is knowing your why, making them reasonable goals you have control over, aligning them with your values, and keeping them simple.
So now that you know the secret to setting the right health and wellness goals, what are your goals? Be sure to spend some time really thinking about your goals.
Now that you have set the right health and wellness goals for yourself, what is the next step?
Up next, I will show you how to reach your BIG health and wellness goals this year by breaking these goals into manageable pieces so you know what tasks you need to do each day to accomplish your health and wellness goals by the end of the year. Be sure to follow my blog for ways to break down these goals so you can achieve them.
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